Elements of Drama


Photo by Paul Green on Unsplash

Photo by Paul Green on Unsplash

The elements of drama are a set of conventions to help deepen your students understanding of the impact of what they create and see on stage.

Whether you’re an arts teacher or incorporating arts based education into your core subject, using these elements can help spark creativity and connection.

Before we get to the lesson prompts below, what are the elements? The elements include:

  • Character

  • Plot

  • Conflict

  • Setting

  • Stagecraft

  • Projection

  • Audience Connections

Below are two images to use in your classroom. Some ideas for incorporation include:

Analyze a theatrical show/video using the elements of drama.

Apply elements to an existing piece of text to illustrate the text’s meaning.

Link characterization concepts to the elements; focus on specific elements to bring out objection/intentions in characters’ story.

Develop an understanding of a social justice/global issue by using the elements as an entry point to gathering data.

Many, many more. How will you incorporate the elements of drama into your lessons?
