Cathy Clarke Theatre

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Taking Care of Your Wellness In The Age of COVID – 19

Photo by Clément Falize on Unsplash

“I’m going to try to buy the toilet paper that’s listed on the web. See here, there are 9 packages listed in aisle 53.”

That was me on Saturday, talking to a friend while nursing my Starbucks reserved coffee.

Little did I know that this moment of relaxation would be the last time for awhile as Starbucks moved to a “to go” service. No sitting and connecting for at least two weeks.

The internet was also incorrect. My GTA stores were on par with the images that we have seen pasted on social media: empty shelves and panicked behaviour.

As I now sit in my living room with my lovely cat beside me, all I can think about is the importance of wellness in these uncertain times.

How can I make my wellness a priority during this global pandemic?

Here is my pledge to make my wellness a priority:

  1. Body Wellness. Nurtition.Hydration.Exercise. Even though my gym is closed, I’ll still practice yoga while paying attention to my nutritional needs.

  2. Sleep Wellness. On Friday when I said goodbye to my students for the three week proactive period, we had an open conversation about their own wellness. It’s tempting to adjust to being a night owl, especially with our access to screening services. A healthy sleep schedule has been documented as a way to strengthen your immune system.

  3. Brain and Spiritual Wellness. Reading. Awareness. Keeping balanced. Turning off the news and engaging in a balance of media. Catching up on fiction reading. During this time, making sure that everyday I activate and challenge my brain while also giving it a chance to defragment.

  4. Social Wellness. Instead of texting, I’m challenging myself to pick up the phone and connect with people. Although social distancing has limited everything that is natural to me, including theatrical performances, chilling at Starbucks and group gatherings, using my phone to connect will help navigate this change in my daily routine.

How will you make your wellness a priority during this unexpected time? We all need to follow the advice public health to flatten the curve of COVID-19.

This week, make your wellness a priorty too.

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